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If you would like an older copy of the Chair's report, please contact us via the Contact Us page.

Annual Report from the Chair 2022/2023

Dear Friends,


Good afternoon and welcome to the Annual General Meeting of the Friends of Ingrebourne Valley & Hornchurch Country Park.


I mention the words ‘Annual General Meeting’ reservedly as our last one was in 2019 but I’m sure you are all aware of the circumstances causing AGMs and all sorts of other meetings ceasing during the main Covid time.


Before I go on, I would like to offer my personal thanks to our committee members who have worked tirelessly during these difficult times and also thank the Council Officers and the Park Rangers who we rely heavily upon to keep this wonderful Country Park going.


This Friends Group exists as a representative body of the local community to evidence their views public consultation. We believe we achieve this via our website and social media but just as importantly by talking to park users.


We are also expected to deliver improvement works which can include maintenance work, research or literature. If funding from the Council is required then all details of the completed, existing or proposed capital project must be provided. Completed projects must be within the current financial year and proposed projects must have been agreed with the parks officer but can be additional works to previous projects.


The Group’s committee meet regularly and our discussions always include the location, background and why any work is required, where the idea came from, and the cost which is either known for existing and completed or estimated for proposed.


We rely heavily on the Park’s Rangers and the Park’s Development Officer for guidance on any work required within the Park and of course our volunteer network is vital if we are to achieve our aims.


When I first became involved with the Friend’s Group, we had a close relationship with the Essex Wildlife Trust and this was before this current Visitor Centre was built. However, once the Centre was complete and officially opened, we started to drift apart and this is the first AGM to be held at the Centre so many thanks to Kate for inviting us to hold this meeting here. We hope there will now be opportunities to work together in the future.


I think that is enough from me for now but I would like to pay a special tribute to our Vice Chair & Secretary for their efforts in producing a booklet called ‘Flora & Fauna in the Ingrebourne Valley’ which can now be purchased here, in the shop.

Jeff Stafford.


Friends of Ingrebourne Valley & Hornchurch Country Park.

No Annual Report from the Chair 2019/20/21/22 due to Covid

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