Minutes of Meeting 02 February 2023
16:00 via Zoom
1. Attendance/Apologies
Present: Jeff Stafford (JS), Raymond Randall (RR), Sheila Clarke (SC), Brian Breeze (BB), Liz Hawthorn (LH), Richard Cottam (RC) LBH Parks
Apologies for absence: Stephanie Nunn (SN)
2. Minutes of previous meeting - Minutes of the previous meeting (12 January 2023) agreed
3. Matters Arising
River clearance – LH is having ongoing discussions with Zurich as to how much extra it would cost to have work in/on the river added to our insurance. Will report back.
Nature Booklet – Dave Bender (DB) is expecting a quote soon.
Shopping trolley and trees – No longer there.
Bridge Lips – See Chairs Report
Work Parties – See Work Parties below.
Official Friends Meeting - JS attended, see Chairs Report below.
4. Chair/Vice Chairs reports
Chairs Report
Bridge Lips – JS, RR and DB met to discuss. There are several possible method; Rigid plastic similar to that used at Rainham Station, Rapid hardening cement and Cold tarmac. JS, RR and DB will meet again to discuss.
Official Friends Group Meeting – 5/6 Groups were represented. Events were discussed - Official Friends Groups do not have to pay for events in parks but will have to give ample notice.
Bike Ride – has been given approval to go ahead on 16 April 2023 as The Friends of Ingrebourne Valley and Hornchurch Country Park Mayors Charity Bike Ride.
Vice Chairs Report – RR was contacted with a request for a speaker on Rainham and Hornchurch Wildlife. RC suggested Mick Greenslade (MG) may be able to do this.
5. Secretary’s Report – BB has ordered a 150mm x 40mm stainless steel plaque for £70 and designed a back board to attach to bench in the children’s play area which will state “Donated by The Friends of Hornchurch Country Park.
6. Finance Report (Same as December 8 2022)
Balance held £2,980.01 (EWT invoice for £35 dated 16 Jan. 2023 was paid 31 Jan. 2023)
£1,321.88 is reserved under Capital grants. This must be used for the benefit of the park.
Balance of unrestricted funds £1,668.13
2022 insurance money (£157) not yet received from LBH. RC will chase this up.
7. Park Officer’s Report – Everything is fairly quiet at the moment.
Green Flag application has been submitted.
When new contractors are in place Parks car park gates will be locked overnight. Only about 20 parks out of 100 in LBH can be fully locked, the others will still have pedestrian access. And Enforcement Officers for matters such as dog fouling and fly tipping will be deployed.
8. Nature Booklet – JS now has a hard copy and a copy on memory stick. He hopes to progress this in the next few days and will report back.
9. Events
10. Cycling – see Bikes in Chairs Report above.
11. Work Parties – RR has received a list from MG which includes; clean up E-pen and gulley around car park – on a Weds. with MG who has a herbicide to treat stumps with, Clear blockage, plastic items and balls from river – to be done with volunteers on a Sunday.
12. Other Business - None
Date of Next Meeting – Thursday 02 March 2023 at 4pm via Zoom.