Minutes of Meeting 01 February 2024
16:00 via Zoom
1. Attendance/Apologies.
Present: Jeff Stafford (JS), Sheila Clarke (SC), Raymond Randall (RR), Liz Hawthorn (LH), Kaitlyn Miller (KM), Richard Cottam (RC) LBH Parks
Apologies for absence: Kate Tyler (KT), Brian Breeze (BB)
2. Minutes of previous meeting - Minutes of previous meeting (7 December 2023) agreed.
3. Matters Arising.
Step by iron bridge – Mick Greenslade has spoken to the people responsible for the bridge. They said they have noticed it is getting worse and are happy for the Friends Group to work on it.
Facebook page – RR will continue to work on it.
RAF flag – RC to check if it is feasible to fly one from Green Flag pole.
EWT invoice – RR has sent copy to SC.
LH to resend Email to Stephanie Nunn regarding payment for booklet. Monies have been received from every other committee member who had a booklet/s
4. Chair/Vice Chairs reports.
Chair – will attend the Havering Friends Group meeting this month.
Vice-Chair – the card reader is now working. 1.6% is deducted as the charge for the reader, so for a booklet costing £4.25 we get £4.18.
5. Secretary’s Report.
Report from Havering Wildlife Project meeting 8/1/2024 attended by RR and LH
Water Voles – Emily Wilkinson (EW), project officer, Waterlife Recovery Trust (WRT)
EW described the current status and the methods of operation of the mink eradication project that has already eliminated mink from Norfolk and Suffolk and is now working west through Essex. Focussing solely on mink, she covers London N of the Thames and Beds, with Darren Tansley (EWT) covering Essex.
Key points from the presentation and subsequent discussion:
• Over 1,000 mink have been caught across the country. 60 (Remoti) traps will be needed for London; 34 are out and working; 3 mink have been caught so far, the nearest on the River Roding in Redbridge
• Basis for siting traps: every 5k² if already occupied by mink, otherwise 20k².
• Problems with finding secure raft sites - LBH and Forestry England will not currently sanction trapping or culling on its land. Therefore private land should be used e.g. angling lakes, then inaccessible banks.
• Triggered traps must legally be visited within 24 hrs - they aim for 12; they tend to trap rats and grey squirrels as well as water voles and mink.
• Traps are baited with mink anal glands - the smell deters most other animals but not water voles.
• Trapped mink are dispatched - Preferred and most humane method of dispatch is with air rifles - wait for the trapped mink to calm down, and then choose the right moment. Other animals are released.
• Havering has only partial cover for dispatching - in emergency WRT or EWT are available to help.
• Report mink sightings via https://www.waterliferecoverytrust.org.uk/.
• There are 6 Remoti rafts available for our area which should cover the rivers; Rom north (B&D south), Ingrebourne and Mardyke. As much as possible should be done in the next month or so before mink breeding season.
• Public announcement of success in Mink eradication in E Anglia is imminent.
6. Finance Report.
Balance held £7,688.91
This includes £5,000 Groundwork cycling grant
£951.88 is reserved under Capital grants.
Balance of unrestricted funds £1,737.03
7. Park Officer’s Report.
Havering is representing London in Britain in Bloom this year.
No news on budget and charging for parking in parks as yet.
There will be inflatables in HCP on one day a week during school holidays.
Spitfire Scramble maybe back – probably 13/14 July but not yet confirmed.
Wildflower – rotavating and seeding is usually done at the end of April to avoid frost. RC will let us know when.
8. Events.
Nicola Bowden (LBH) should be contacted regarding events in parks. 6 weeks’ notice is required.
Dawn Chorus bird walk suggested – probably early May. Information and Risk assessment should be passed to RC so he can find out if it needs an events licence.
9. Cycling
JS to use Albyns Farm classroom for cycle maintenance courses. Led cycle rides will be organised for between Easter and September. JS is also hoping to organise a Mayors’ charity bike ride.
10. Work Parties
Work to clear some of the Peri track of grass and weeds was suggested. RC was concerned that it may be damaged if they are pulled up so he will speak to Mick Greenslade regarding the possible use of herbicides as a special case to preserve an historical artefact.
Check padlock on Iron Bridge to see if we have a key.
11. Web site and communications
nothing to report
12. AOB
RR to forward Outfall Safari information to volunteers
Date of Next Meeting – 7 March 2024 at 4pm via Zoom