Minutes of Meeting 12 January 2023
16:00 via Zoom
1. Attendance/Apologies
Present: Jeff Stafford (JS), Raymond Randall (RR), Sheila Clarke (SC), Brian Breeze (BB), Stephanie Nunn (SN), Liz Hawthorn (LH), Richard Cottam (RC) LBH Parks
Apologies for absence: None
2. Minutes of previous meeting - Minutes of the previous meeting (8 December 2022) agreed
3. Matters Arising
River clearance – LH has contacted Zurich twice to ask for an estimate as to how much extra it would cost to have work in/on the river added to our insurance and is still waiting to hear back.
Nature Booklet – JS will arrange collection.
RR has still to ask Dave Bender for another estimate.
Bikes – Costs to fund bike maintenance course are to expensive for us to self-fund.
Shopping trolley and trees – have been removed from the weir. RC will ask Mick Greenslade to check on the reported trolley by the concrete bridge.
Official Friends Meeting - 6pm, 25th January 2023 at the Town Hall. JS will attend and forward the agenda which is quite generic.
4. Chair/Vice Chairs reports – Nothing to report
5. Secretary’s Report – BB will get a stainless steel plaque to attach to the bench installed in the children’s play area and will state “Donated by The Friends of Hornchurch Country Park.
6. Finance Report (Same as December 8 2022)
Balance held £2,955.01
£1,321.88 is reserved under Capital grants. This must be used for the benefit of the park.
Balance of unrestricted funds £1,633.13
2022 insurance money (£157) not yet received from LBH.
7. Park Officer’s Report
Bridge Lips – Has not been able to obtain a reasonable estimate, companies were not interested as job is too small.
It was suggested that the Friends Group may be able to repair with quick setting concrete as an interim measure and it is hoped that LBH may be able to fund the cost of materials. JS and RC to progress.
8. Nature Booklet – See matters arising
9. Events – JS is waiting to hear from the Mayor’s office to confirm that the planned family bike ride on 16 April 2023 can go ahead.
It is hoped that the Residents Association and the Friends group will man stalls at the start/finish point from 10.30am for a couple of hours.
Riders will be reminded that it is a ride not a race.
No other events have been confirmed in the park.
10. Cycling – see Bikes in Matters Arising and Events above.
11. Work Parties – see Park Officer’s Report, Bridge Lips.
RR will consult with ranger, Mick Greenslade, regarding other possible tasks
12. Quarry Proposal – No movement.
Remove from Agenda until there is any further news.
13. Other Business - None
Date of Next Meeting – Thursday 02 February 2023 at 4pm via Zoom.